Campaign Finance FAQs
You must file a Notice of Organization (Form CF-1) prior to accepting any contributions or making any expenditure in seeking nomination or election to public office, or upon your declaration of candidacy, whichever comes first. Thereafter, you are required to periodically file reports of campaign funds raised and expended. A campaign finance 'report' generally consists of a Summary of Campaign Activity (Form CF-2 ), which discloses total receipts minus total expenses for the reporting period, supported by a Schedule of Contributions Received (Form CF-3), which is used to itemize contributions for the reporting period; and a Schedule of Expenditures (Form CF-4), which is used to itemize expenditures for the reporting period.
Yes, however rather than file the periodic pre- and post-election reports, you have the option of filing an Affidavit for Annual Filing Exemption (Form CF-5), whereby you certify that you will not accept more than $100 from a single source in a calendar year, nor spend over $1,000 in the calendar year. At the end of the year, you would file one summary report.
Your campaign account will be closed with the Board of Elections only after you file a Notice of Dissolution (Form CF-7). If you do not file this notice, or if you have funds remaining, you will be required to continue to file campaign finance reports.
Yes. Only a treasurer or deputy treasurer may accept contributions or make expenditures on behalf of a candidate. However, a candidate may act as his or her own treasurer.
No. You may only receive contributions from individuals, and from political action committees and political party committees registered in Rhode Island.
The Rhode Island Ethics Commission is responsible for conflict of interest statements. Their office is located at 40 Fountain Street, Providence and the telephone number is 401-222-3790.