Official State of Rhode Island website

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Election Training and Certification Program (ETAC)

The Election Training and Certification (ETAC) Program is intended to certify the officials responsible for administering our state’s safe, secure, and accurate elections.

The certification program offers a series of training courses that provides uniformity in the administration of elections in Rhode Island.

Designed to improve election officials’ knowledge and build relationships with their peers, the certification program provides election officials with the skills to administer elections securely and safely while promoting a professional, skilled, and prepared workforce of election officials.

The training curriculum helps develop new competencies that are essential to well-run elections. Additionally, the program helps preserve institutional knowledge and ensures that elections are conducted effectively by both new and experienced election officials.

Training Overview:

All election administrators in Rhode Island are strongly encouraged to complete the certification and training program. Trainings are provided by the Board of Elections and Department of State. 

To earn certification, Rhode Island election administrators must complete a series of classes and successfully complete the corresponding assessments covering all aspects of elections. 


Topics covered under this certification include but are not limited to:

  • Overview of the roles of election administrators
  • Open meetings
  • Public records requests and retention
  • Rhode Island election law
  • Voter registration
  • Mail ballots
  • Provisional voting
  • Signature verification
  • Election equipment use and maintenance
  • Cybersecurity practices