General Election Referenda Summary (Click on item or question number to see a City/Town breakdown of total vote) Number Item Approve Reject 1 Total Votes Cast on Proposition to Amend..RI Constitution - Judicial Selection 211,394 91,294 2 Total Votes Cast on Proposition to Amend..RI Constitution - House of Representatives and Senate 154,776 143,901 3 Total Votes Cast on Proposition to Amend..RI Constitution - Voter Approval Required for Expansion of Gambling 207,949 98,574 4 Proposition to Convene a Convention to Amend or Revise the Rhode Island Constitution 118,545 173,693 5 Total Votes Cast for Transportation Bonds - $56,500,000 169,839 121,675 6 Total Votes Cast for Historical Preservation Commission - Bonds - $4,500,000 133,488 165,363 7 Total Votes Cast on Correctional Facilities Bonds - $3,800,000 105,062 191,894 8 Total Votes Cast for Elementary and Secondary Education - Bonds - $29,000,000 151,692 148,600 9 Total Votes Cast for State House Bonds - $5,000,000 128,562 161,007 10 Total Votes Cast for State Aid to Education (non-binding) 184,314 111,539 11 Total Votes Cast on Question Proposed by Governor 163,692 156,093 12 Total Votes Cast on City of Providence - Gambling 73,868 249,159 13 Total Votes Cast on City of Pawtucket - Gambling 45,824 270,216 14 Total Votes Cast on Town of Lincoln - Gambling 90,658 232,493 15 Total Votes Cast on Town of Coventry - Gambling 48,064 266,642 16 Total Votes Cast on Town of West Greenwich - Gambling 153,099 179,644