Official State of Rhode Island website

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Democrat: Delegates - Congressional District #1

Delegates for BRADLEY:

Myrth YORK 7,382
Nancy L BENOIT 5,370
Linda J KUSHNER 5,215
Ray RICKMAN 4,461
Donna FISHMAN 4,328
Sara Shea McCONNELL 4,092
David N CICILLINE 3,944
Paul W CROWLEY 3,834
Doree M GOODMAN 3,671
Joseph R BRADY 3,309
Thomas ROBERTS 2,987
John J McCONNELL, JR 2,741
Michael C GERHARDT 2,213
Melvyn M GELCH 1,907
Timothy H McCARTEN 1,555

Delegates for GORE:

Nancy R REED 6,144
Joseph R PAOLINO, JR 6,050
Susan D MENARD 4,895
Patricia HOULIHAN 4,384
Elaine A CODERRE 4,359
Dennis J ROBERTS, II 4,267
Patrick C LYNCH 4,218
Rene R MENARD 3,864
Barbara A CONNORS 3,663
Marcia B REBACK 2,912
Thomas L PAPA 2,887
Patrick T BRADY 2,867
Raymond Chip HOYAS 2,849
Donna M DeCRISTOFARO 2,500
Mary Elizabeth GARRETT 2,167
Carmine N RUGGIERO 1,987
John M O'HARE 1,985
Malinda HOWARD 1,910
Clifford DOLAN 1,701
Andrew J BAYNES 1,630
Joyce P KRABACH 1,136

Delegates for LaROUCHE, Jr.:

Paul E NELSON 46
Ronald A BOWDEN, JR 42
James H MacINTYRE 47
Alicia H PRICE 42