2008 General Election: REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL ASSEMBLY DISTRICT 3 View results by precinct LADDER 8 (Precinct 28017) SALOMON CENTER - BROWN UNIVERSITY MAIN GREEN (Precinct 28018) CATHEDRAL OF ST. JOHN (Precinct 28019) HOPE HIGH SCHOOL (Precinct 28020) TEMPLE BETH EL - B (Precinct 28022) SCHOOL ONE (Precinct 28023) MARTIN LUTHER KING SCHOOL - A (Precinct 28024) Final results: Updated November 17, 2008 09:59 AM 7 of 7 precincts (100%) reporting for this race REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL ASSEMBLY DISTRICT 3 Candidate Total votes Pct Edith H. AJELLO (DEM) 3439 100.0% Vote totals statewide and for each town include results from limited precincts.