2008 General Election: REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL ASSEMBLY DISTRICT 75 View results by precinct ST. JOHN'S CHURCH HALL-ENTRANCE ON WILLOW ST (Precinct 2108) THOMPSON MIDDLE SCHOOL (Precinct 2109) WILLIAM J. DONOVAN MANOR (Precinct 2110) NEWPORT PUBLIC LIBRARY (Precinct 2111) HIBERNIAN HALL (Precinct 2112) ST. AUGUSTIN'S SCHOOL (Precinct 2113) CAREY SCHOOL (Precinct 2114) Final results: Updated November 17, 2008 09:59 AM 7 of 7 precincts (100%) reporting for this race REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL ASSEMBLY DISTRICT 75 Candidate Total votes Pct Peter F. MARTIN (DEM) 2823 54.7% Steven J. COATY (REP) 2336 45.3% Vote totals statewide and for each town include results from limited precincts.