Limited Ballot
Change of Address
A Voter who moved before the election but did not update his or her address with the Board of Canvassers are in some cases eligible to update his or her address at the polling place and cast a regular ballot.
Limited Ballot Overview
Rhode Island General Law 17-9.1-16 allows an individual who has moved from one city/town to another city/town and did not update his or her address with the Board of Canvassers by the deadline to register to be eligible for a Limited Ballot in some cases.
Guidelines for a voter updating his/her address at the polling place
If you moved to your current address less than 30 days before the election you are eligible to vote at your previous assigned polling place associated with your previous address' assigned polling place. See the Secretary of State's Web site to locate your previous polling place. You will need to complete a pink Voter Affirmation Form at the polling place.
If you moved more the 30 days before the election but within the same City/Town as your previous address you vote at the polling location associated with your new address.
If you moved 30 days or more before, but less than 6 months, before the election from your previous City/Town of registration, you are eligible to vote a Limited Ballot at the Board of Canvassers of your previous City/Town of registration.
If you moved more than 6 months, before the election from your previous City/Town of registration you are only eligible to vote for President/Vice-President, if this is a Presidential election year. See our Voting for President/Vice-President Only Section.
This information is also summarized in the Voter's Guide to Affirmation Chart: